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May 07, 2018 How to Configure YUM Repository in RHEL Linux Jan 22, 2018 How to add, enable & disable a repository by using DNF/YUM

Jan 05, 2013

Mar 12, 2017 Adding repositories on an Amazon Linux instance - Amazon To install a package from a different repository with yum, you need to add the repository information to the /etc/yum.conf file or to its own repository.repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory. You can do this manually, but most yum repositories provide their own repository.repo file at their repository URL.

To enable a yum repository in /etc/yum.repos.d. Use the yum-config-manager command with the --enable repository flag. The following command enables the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository from the Fedora project.

This is where you now find the company website, documentation, and of course the APT and YUM repositories at download.docker.com have been there since 2017. On the 31st of March 2020, we will be shutting down the legacy APT and YUM repositories hosted at dockerproject.org and dockerproject.com. Repositories is an organized collection of packages that YUM uses. YUM can use these repositories to fetch the correct and exact version of a particular package Offline repositories allow you to share repository data from one Tenable.sc deployment to your primary Tenable.sc deployment via manual export and import (a .tar.gz archive file). You can combine data from several repository files into a single offline repository by importing multiple files to the offline repository. Jul 31, 2019 · Yum is the default package manager tool in CentOS. It is used to install, remove, download, query and update packages from the official CentOS repositories as well as other third-party repositories. Before running the update you can check for available updates using the following command: sudo yum check-update Background in case some context is needed: We have a maze of yum repositories that we draw from. I have a machine that has a particular rpm package installed, and another machine with an apparently insufficient maze of repositories configured, and so I am not able to install the package I want onto that machine.